Kristl van cauter

Young lady in bath
All artwork shown on this site is for sale, unless otherwise stated. There is more to see in the artist's atelier.


Hotel entrance at night


Scenes offering the spectator a view into certain circumstances especially appeal to the artist. What is happening here? Is something going on? What's the story behind all this? As soon as these questions arise in her head, she's drawn to depict what she sees and feels in her artwork.

2020 - Interpretation of one of Stephan Vanfleteren's photographs from the Surf Tribe series - A3 - soft pastel on paper


Facinated by the facial expressions of others, which she has learned to interpret ever since she was a child, the artist loves to draw faces. Here again several questions arise. What is the person thinking? What is he or she feeling? Why is this so? etc.

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